Thank you for choosing CorsoMotion!


CorsoMotion follows the THE "BIG SIX"

  1. Product Information
  2. Export Controls
  3. Ordering and Payment
  4. Order Information
  5. Shipping
  6. Record Keeping


CorsoMotion Collects Product Information

HS Codes - Harmonized commodity descriptions from vendors CorsoMotion collects, tariff information, description, data/spec sheets, country of origin, ECCNs. Additionally CorsoMotion consults with experts export lawyers and reviews export classification list which is reviewed to keep up with the constant updates and "best practices" in export compliance.


Export Controls

  • CorsoMotion makes efforts to follow the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) guidelines.
  • What is the jurisdiction of item (BIS, DDTC, ITAR) Is it subject to EAR? Does it require a license?
  • CorsoMotion makes best efforts to Export using appropriate ECCN and authorization.
  • CorsoMotion has a process for self-assigning ECCNs for its products.
  • CorsoMotion has a process for requesting ECCNs for third party products.
  • Most CorsoMotion products are subject only to AT controls or are EAR99.


Ordering and Payment

CorsoMotion makes best efforts to screen orders using the Denied Persons or Entities list(s). CorsoMotion uses UPS and Visual Compliance, in addition to CorsoMotion's own "banned" list for high risk locations and to reduce fraud.

UPS uses software systems for all of its denied party screening requirements that search over 30 excluded party lists taken from both U.S. and international sources. These systems identify, investigate, and halt shipments with questionable parties immediately upon entry into UPS's shipping systems.

Additionally, CorsoMotion uses Visual Compliance's API for screening against Denied Persons or Entities. Visual Compliance has "the largest, most current and most accurate selection of foreign trade and AML regulatory compliance lists for screening entities and transactions".

CorsoMotion does not ship to the following locations:

  • Cuba
  • Iran
  • North Korea
  • Sudan
  • Syria
  • Ukraine

Additionally, CorsoMotion currently does not ship to*:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Burma, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Lebanon, Libya, Macau, , Moldova, Mongolia, Oman, Pakistan, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam

*List is revisited from time to time.

CorsoMotion also restricts USPS to some locations and UPS only to some locations depending on the order, amount and other risk factors.


CorsoMotion looks for "RED FLAGS"

Abnormal or suspicious activities, if found, we inquire and reevaluate transaction. This includes shipping/billing mismatches, IP address flags, multiple orders in short time period, special requests from customer that are abnormal. Requests from customers to change any customs values are denied, order may be canceled.


Collecting Order Information

  • Payment Options for International Customers
  • How CorsoMotion Avoids Fraudulent Orders
  • Chargebacks
  • Terms of Service to Customers


How CorsoMotion Avoids Fraudulent orders

  • CorsoMotion "score" for risk
  • Key info: IP, shipping, past orders, email address, phone number, location, account age, total value
  • Map: GeoIP locations, address lookup (Radaris Google, and other services).
  • Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Accutellus, etc.



CorsoMotion follows up, documents and attempt to discover more information for each one and may file a police report. When fraud rings are discovered CorsoMotion notifies the U.S. Postal Inspector/Team Leader and UPS fraud prevention teams.


Terms of service to Customers

The customer is 100% responsible for Tariffs and Taxes, clearly stated and customer expectations on Tariffs and Taxes are managed.



  • Terms and Conditions are indicated on website and orders.
  • Delivery Methods: UPS and USPS only, we do not allow USPS to some locations due to poor service.
  • Setting Rates are determined by negotiated rates with (USPS and UPS)
  • Tracking is provided to customer via 2 specific email from carrier.


Helpful resources 

  • Export enforcement - 2014 Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce (PDF).
  • Office of Export Enforcement - Industry Outreach (PDF).
  • How to request an Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) / SNAP-R - (PDF).
  • Freight Forwarder Guidance (PDF).
  • What is the BIS? Bureau of Industry and Security, U.S. Department of Commerce (PDF).
  • A Guide to Export Licensing Requirements (PDF).
  • Laymen's explanation of export controls and open-source hardware by Michael Dobson (PDF).
  • Routed Export Transaction (PDF).